Saturday 29 December 2012

New layout + Quick update!

Hi Domokies, it's been a while~! I've been busy with work but we've finally managed to find some time to have a photoshoot, and change the layout. Tell us what you think about it and what we can improve on as well.

Domo returned from a family holiday in Korea recently. So stay tuned for an exciting travel log of her trip.
^ w ^ (Domo is seated beside me and she says "It's not that exciting, actually." and also "I've recently became a barrel again.")

As for myself, I have been sewing fat cats, working like a kami-sama and trying to grow eye bags. I've got a couple of DIY posts in the backlog that's way overdue, but fear not! Ghostbusters are here. (But fear furbies, they will be the cause of an apocalypse.) I mean, my new year resolution would be to blog more often, is what I'm trying to say.

Alas, the end of the world hath not befallen us, but the year draws to a close. For those thinking 'WTH have I been doing this year?!', take heart, for we are the survival of a (non-existent) zombie apocalypse.

Domo here, I think Cookie has gone nuts from editing the layout all day. She has short circuited or something.

Anyway, happy new year in advance (and a belated happy new year if you're reading this after 1 Jan). We wish everyone future zombie survivability and a good year ahead. Stay human! (I SAID 'HEALTHY'.)

Goodnight! (depending on your timezone)

Cookie, and Domo

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